jeudi 10 octobre 2013

Aurélie's portrait

- Hi Aurélie!
- Hi!
- Thank you for granting me this interview for this big magazine everybody knows.
- My pleasure because I love this big magazine that everybody knows!
- Can you give me some details about your personality?
- Yes of course, I think I am courageous, honest, a good friend, humorous, imagi…
- Wow! I can hope that you are not the most modest girl in the world…
- What does that mean?
- No I just… Forget it. So, I can read on my cards that you like drawing and painting, would you like to be an artist in the future?
- I don’t know… I don’t think I have so much talent.
- Hey, you’re making progress!
- What about?
- Nothing… So, you don’t want to be a painter but do you play an instrument?
- I played the violin a little when I was very young but it wasn’t my passion. Oh, I wanted to tell you that there aren’t my favourite flowers in my lodge so I am stressed out, can you please bring them?
- Ok but what are your favourite flowers?
- Orchids. Please bring them immediately otherwise I will have a fit!
- Yes we will do it (Please bring these stupid flowers! She is uncontrollable!!!). Calm. Think about a happy and relaxing souvenir.
- Ok, I will try … Oh! I know! It was when I was very young, when I went to my grandmother’s house, I used to dance with my grandmother, and it was a very happy and fun moment… I loved to do it in the rainy afternoons; it brings a kind of sun in my heart…
- Aurélie, do you agree if I say that you are a good person and you don’t hesitate to help your friends at any time?
- Yes, I am. And I want to thank you for this… interesting interview!
- Good-bye Aurélie!
- Good-bye!

(This is an invented conversation and should not be taken at face value!)


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